CSGO Crashes on Map Change Fix

I have CSGO on some Win7 32bit Machines (one dual core and one quadcore), and both would crash when the map would change.  One machine has 6GB  RAM (although only 4 is available), the other is 4GB RAM.  I’ve successfully done all the things I’ve put below to get both machines working.  I haven’t done things one at a time, i just did everything at once.  Hope This helps someone.

  1. goto \steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive
  2. Right Click the csgo.exe (app) and go to compatibility Tab and select XP service pack2. ( Try 3 also if this doesn’t work for you.)  I didn’t check the Run as Admin but it could help you.
  3. Find your Video.txt folder /Steam/Userdata/(STEAM ID Number)/730/Local/CFG/ and change “setting.mem_level” “2” to “setting.mem_level” “0”.
  4. Open Start  Menu and search CMD in windows. Right Click The CMD program and choose run as administrator.  Type into the command prompt bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa **** and hit Enter.  (**** is your Physical RAM VALUE.  3GB 3072/ 4GB 4096/ 6GB 6144 /8GB 8192 and so on). After Hitting ENTER you will See a message that it was successful. Close CMD window and Reboot your PC.
  5. Open your csgo game and go to OPTIONS and SETTINGS. Enable Developer Console and then go to Video/GFX settings, set all to Low and disable multicore rendering.
  6. Open Console with the Tilde Key [`¬] and type into console cl_disable htmlmotd 1

Again, i did all the above on two different spec machines both using 32bit Win 7, and both now dont crash on map change although they do take a long time to load the map.

I think that its a RAM Issue, and the game isn’t flushing the old map textures before loading the next set.  I didn’t come up with these fixes, I just searched alot of different fixes and put this together and it worked.  Thanks to all who posted original fixes to get my game running on my old dog machines.  I’m just sharing the love, credit to the original fixers.

Cod4 is it dead?

I keep coming across people wondering of the game is worth getting, as its old now, are there servers still? Is it full of hackers etc?

So, is cod4 worth getting?  yeh, for sure the single player campaign is one of the best and loads of replay value. The multiplayer is legendary.

Are there still severs to play on?  Yep, CoD4 has dedicated servers (can be hosted on any machine by anyone) so these are not in the control of the publisher, and as long as people want to host a server they can.  Theres still servers to play on for CoD1.

Heres a screeny of some servers being played in this morning. gametrackerIs CoD4 full of hackers?  Since PB went and cracked servers became the norm, yes there are hackers.  But if you find a good server with decent admins, they’ll kick the hackers.  I usually just play Promod wars these days, and hackers usually get kicked by the team they’re playing in when caught, from the server and Teamspeak etc.  There will always be hackers in online games, some people just wanna see the world burn.

COD4 Comeback

promodA guy from Netherlands called Dan is trying to bring back cod4 with matching making and new promod and client etc.  There’s a lot of people who’ve signed the petition and if all them that signed would get on irc quakenet #cod4.wars then perhaps that would be enough to get people signing up on CyberGamer.com and using the PUG system again.  It wouldn’t need a kick starter fund, but if that’s the way its gotta be then fair enough.  I think a lot of the original cod4 players have moved onto csgo or playing mmoba’s like lol etc.  But there’s still folks that get onto .wars and there’s still games to be had i played a couple of 5v5 belters last night.  On Cyber Gamer cod2 is really popular again the ladders are active.  There’s no reason CoD4 couldn’t come back, i know its never going to be as popular as it was, but there’s still enough people to make it happen.

If you want to help see cod4 come back on the PC, then please sign Dans petition here


In the meantime cu @ #cod4.wars here http://webchat.quakenet.org/?randomnick=1&channels=cod4.wars&uio=Mj10cnVlJjQ9dHJ1ZSY5PXRydWUmMTI9dHJ1ZSYxNT10cnVl1b

Bloody Winter

Hello, as im writing this its February and bloody cold, Storm Immogen is blowing some wind around and going outside sucks, Ive got a few days holiday off work so I’ve found the time and motivation for a little blog update.  Its all gaming oriented as steam has unleashed yet another sale and its burnt a hole in my pocket.  Heres whats gone on.

I got myself Rocket League

Rocket-League-10A very nice idea for a game and nicely done.  This game looks awesome with the gfx up high, but unfortunaltey my pc is made of pigs trotters and has a low framerate unless i pop the graphics down a touch.  It still looks ok with the gfx down, and within a couple of games id got the hang of shooting the ball and intercepting strikes.  Its really easy to get used to the controls and although im not a football fan, the 3v3 and 4v4 modes had me putting on a stone island coat and mouthing off at people within the safety of the cctv and local police.  What im getting at is i dont like football but this is a mint game.  Its had me punching the air and raging my potatoes off within the first hour. All in all a great game thats original and well made.

I also bought Saints Row 4 but havnt botherd installing yet as im not bored enough, it’s not that i have any problem with the saints row series.  It’s more to do with the amount of games that im playing at the moment and i just dont have the time yet to fit it in. one day ill give it a go.

Next up my son bought me Terraria

terraria-pc-1303743618-008I honestly thought i would hate this game, I was under the impression it was going to be a 2d minecraft.  What i actually found was that Its a 2D side scrolling platformer first and then you got to mine stuff to build a shelter before it kicks off too much.  Before i knew it i was mininng for stuff, but theres plenty of surprises in the dark to keep you entertained while mining. The crafting of items is pretty easy, if you collect stuff it tells you what can be made and what it does.  The best thing for me is the online co-op, leave a door open at night and your mates are getting effed up.  I,ve not played for long so im still int he early noob stages, this game will stay installed and be revisited when i cba.

I’ve been playing a little bit of cod2, but for some reason my pc wont go higher than 100 fps im getting 60-80fps on average.  My spec is quite high, i dont know if its cuz im using a ati card that might have the wrong drives.  But alas it runs cod4 on a steady 125fps.

CoD 4 PB folder , no evenbalance support

I’ve removed spcks cod4 config from this blog due to the previous file hosts disbanding.  Along with my own config, kujas and nrd’s are no longer available.

I decided to re-install cod4 for a bit of a giggle and discoverd evenbalance no longer supported punkbuster for cod4, so i was kicked from promod servers shortly after joining them, due to out of date files.

Obviousley the old fix of run pbsetup.exe no longer works, i had to drag the files from my wifes pc cod4 install and drop them into my own, this fixed my errors.  You can find the link to the files on  my new page.